Kontakt: noordinarywings@windowslive.com

torsdag 2 april 2009


So these last days I have come across a lot of VEDA and BEDA stuff. For you who do not know what that is, VEDA stands for Vlog Every Day April and BEDA stands for Blog Every Day April. I myself am not doing any of these but I still do blog every day so it's not a big deal for me.

Maureen Johnson is the one who came up with BEDA and here you can read the rules for it.

And a lot of people are doing it, one that I have to mention is italktosnakes or Kristina or monday from fiveawesomegirls. She will be blogging everyday, which she does anyway so it's easy for her. But she is lovely and you really shoud read her blog.

I don't know who came up with VEDA but it just popped up on youtube. I know for a fact that Nerimon or Alex or Wednesday from fiveawesomeguys is doing VEDA. And he's good, so do watch him if you don't already do.

So I just watched this vlog from theshortsisters756 and Monica told that there is a D-BEDA, which is Daily Booth Every Day April. That one I am in because I am going to try to do it the whole year, so yeah.

I think it's a bit funny that everyone are coming up with Every Day stuff for April. I just came up with TEDA, which stands for Twitter Every Day April. I'm so cleaver.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jaaa skönt som fan :P Även om det innehåller lite pluggande xD

  2. åh tack! va kul att du gillade den! har du en bra dag?

  3. hehe det blir nog snelugg :P

    jag tycker lugg är jättefint så klipp! :D

  4. Låter som ett helt jobb med allt EDAnde!
